Saturday, December 31, 2011

Jualan Akhir Tahun 2011

Anda akan menyesal jika tak beli pada harga yg begitu rendah skrg...!!
2012 anda akan nikmati keseronokannya nanti...

jom beli emas skrg..jadikan emas sbg pelindung aset anda dari inflasi...
anda bayar today anda terus dapat emas....

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Kalau tak beli masa skrg memang rugi....

Skrg!!!!!!!! masa terbaik utk anda membeli emas sbb harga cantik nie..........

Buat keputusan bijak today...tapi ingat yang dah beli tu jangan lupa keluar zakat emas sbb akhir tahun....atau kira sejak bila u all simpan emas....

keluar zakat membawa berkat...dan harta akan jadi bersih.

selamat menyambut tahun baru 2012....dan sama-sama kita saksikan harga emas pada tahun 2012........Jangkaan Harga emas pada tahun depan 2012.......

Anda tunggu anda akan tahu....anda beli skrg anda akan rasa....


selamat menunaikan zakat emas.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Selamat menunaikan Zakat Emas........

Maksud dari sebuah hadis :
Mana-mana tuan punya emas dan perak yang tidak mengeluarkan zakat melainkan akan di sediakan baginya pada hari kiamat kepingan leburan daripada api ,lalu leburan dibakar dalam neraka jahanam.Kemudian di selar dengan rusuknya,dahinya dan belakang badanya.
- Riwayat Muslim

Kalau sayang nak keluar zakat masuk neraka la.........itu janji Allah..

sila rujuk sini utk lebih detail...

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Info: Wang Kertas Indonesia

Tidak akan berlaku pada Emas!!


Jakarta mahu menurunkan nilai muka wang kertas tetapi bukan nilai rupiah dengan mengurangkan beberapa sifar denominasi wang rupiah mulai tahun 2012 yang memakan masa 5 hingga 10 tahun. Ini bermakna pemotongan tiga sifar denominasi wang kertas 1000 rupiah akan menjadi 1 rupiah. Wang kertas 100,000 rupiah (RM35.00) adalah wang kertas kedua tertinggi di dunia selepas 500,000 dong vietnam (RM81.00)

Sumber : Sinar harian, Rabu 7 Disember 2011

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

8 Reasons Why Gold Should Continue Much Higher...!!!!!!!!

Syeikh Abdullah Awwad Juhani 

Meanwhile, gold continues to form a constructive base. As we have said on various news appearances (FOX, CNN, etc), with all the quantitative easing going on in the US, UK, and Europe, gold should find its footing then move higher. The question is how long the current basing period will last before gold resumes its long term uptrend. Some investors may elect to wait for further constructive price/volume action before buying. Others may elect to pyramid into gold ETFs such as GLD and DGP slowly, letting the ETF prove itself on a price basis before adding more to their position. Note, the uptrend in gold began in 2001, so its long term uptrend is now in its 11th year.

The top 8 reasons why gold should continue much higher:
1) Global demand for gold is at near-record levels. The two key markets are India and China which together account for 52% of total bar and coin investment and 55% of global jewelry demand. Moreover, Indian and Chinese demand in gold grew 38% and 25%, respectively over Q2 2010. After the US debt downgrade, the Chinese complained about US debt, so it is likely the Chinese will continue to buy gold to gradually move away from US treasuries. And India is potentially an even bigger player than China in gold investments.

2) Indian and Chinese demand in gold is likely to continue, due to high growth rates and high levels of inflation in both countries.

3) The impact of the European sovereign debt crisis, the downgrading of US debt, inflationary pressures, the continuing devaluation of major world currencies via quantitative easing/money printing, and the potential for another recession in debtor nations (U.S., Europe, U.K., etc) are all likely to drive high levels of investment in gold for the foreseeable future.

4) Central banks around the world are likely to remain net purchasers of gold. Purchases of 69.4t during Q2 2011 demonstrated that central banks are continuing to turn to gold to diversify their reserves.

5) Gold is a safe haven when investors get scared, ie, the fear trade.

6) Stagflation (high inflation, low growth) in the U.S. is in the offing. Remember how well precious metals did in the 1970s? Gold is not just a safe haven but also is a hedge against inflation. As more money gets printed, the higher gold will rise.
7) We are witnessing a worldwide secular gold bull market vs. a U.S. centric one back in 1980.

8) Nothing substantial has been done to address the debt problems in the U.S., U.K. or Europe.
We remain long term bullish on gold. Money printing/quantitative easing could prop up stocks, but we could also be in for a period of stagflation where stocks lay limp or remain shortable, so we will let our Market Direction Model, which measures the buying and selling pressure in real-time of leading stocks and major market indices, guide our long and short sale investments in stocks and ETFs.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Azam Tahun Baru Islam 1 dinar 1 Bulan

Jangan lupa!!! kita baca doa Akhir Tahun sblm
masuk waktu Magrib today.. dan slps
Solat Maghrib kita baca doa awal Tahun 1433H

MUHARAM adalah bulan pertama dalam tahun Islam (Hijrah). Sebelum Rasulullah berhijrah dari Makkah ke Yathrib, kiraan bulan dibuat mengikut tahun Masihi. Hijrah Rasulullah memberi kesan besar kepada Islam sama ada dari sudut dakwah Rasulullah, ukhuwwah dan syiar Islam itu sendiri. 

Pada asasnya, Muharam membawa maksud 'diharamkan' atau 'dipantang', iaitu Allah SWT melarang melakukan peperangan atau pertumpahan darah. Namun demikian larangan ini ditamatkan setelah pembukaan Makkah (Al Baqarah: 91). Sejak pemansuhan itu, umat Islam boleh melaksanakan tugas dan ibadat harian tanpa terikat lagi dengan larangan berkenaan.

sila ke link ini untuk lebih detail:

Firman Allah: "Dihiaskan (dan dijadikan indah) kepada manusia, kesukaan kepada benda-benda yang diingini nafsu, iaitu perempuan-perempuan dan anak-pinak, longgokan harta benda yang banyak berpikul-pikul, dari emas dan perak, kuda peliharaan yang bertanda, lagi terlatih, dan binatang-binatang serta kebun-kebun tanaman. semuanya itu adalah kesenangan hidup di dunia(yang bersifat sementara). dan (ingatlah), pada sisi Allah adalah tempat kembali yang sebaik-baiknya (iaitu syurga yang kekal abadi). (Surah Ali Imran, ayat 14)

Abu Bakar Ibn Abi Maryam melaporkan bahawa beliau mendengar Rasulullah SAW telah bersabda "Akan tiba suatu zaman di mana tiada apa yang bernilai dan boleh digunakan oleh umat manusia. Maka simpanlah dinar dan dirham (untuk digunakan).
Musnad Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Esok: Emas jatuh terukkkkkkkk........!!!!!!!!!!

Sedia menanti harga emas yang rendah pada esok 
hari Khamis 24 November 2011

Semuanya berdasarkan laporan berikut:-
Euro slumps after weak German bund auction
Bank of Greece: Nation may be driven out of euro
Stock futures drop on economy worries, Europe
Euro sinks 1% against U.S. dollar to $1.3379
Nasdaq 100 futures down 21.25 points to 2,193
S&P 500 futures down 12.40 points to 1,170.4
Dow futures down 110 points to 11,337
U.K. stocks drop after Chinese data
European bond yields rise on Dexia worries
                                                                                                                     -ruj pendita emas

Esok emas jatuh terukkkkkkkk........!!!!!!!!!!

Sedia menanti harga emas yang rendah pada esok hari Khamis 24 November 2011

Semuanya berdasarkan laporan berikut:

Euro slumps after weak German bund auction
Bank of Greece: Nation may be driven out of euro
Stock futures drop on economy worries, Europe
Euro sinks 1% against U.S. dollar to $1.3379
Nasdaq 100 futures down 21.25 points to 2,193
S&P 500 futures down 12.40 points to 1,170.4
Dow futures down 110 points to 11,337
U.K. stocks drop after Chinese data
European bond yields rise on Dexia worries

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Emas 2012 USD $2500 or USD$2500 / oz ??

Jika emas dunia naik kepada USD2500 harga emas domestik menjadi USD2500/31.10 gram =USD79.87 x RM3.12(nilai kini) =RM249.19 segram

Beli emas skrg!!!
aset yang tak akan susut nilai....

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Monti mempengaruhi harga emas

 Italy's Mario Monti was set to replace 
Silvio Berlusconi as prime minister on Wednesday 

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Jangkaan 2012 : Destinasi seterusnya US$1800 dan last US$2500

Beli emas skrg sblm mencecah
 US$2500 pada 2012

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Gold US$2,000? Try US$27,000!

Many look at today's gold price as being high.
 The fact of the matter is the gold price is still very low.

Jangkaan Kenaikan 2011 and 2012 USD2500 per oz

ruj: Pendita Emas

PM Itali Belusconi letak jawatan

PM Italy Silvio Berlusconi 

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Gold Price Struggles to Stay Above $1700

For the past three years, the stock markets across the globe have been extremely volatile as almost every economy across the world has had to deal with the ramifications of the international recession. Because of this, millions of investors have been hesitant to invest in stocks and other unstable investments while instead focusing their investments on gold, silver, and other precious metals.

While the gold price per ounce has continued to increase dramatically over the past few years, many analysts are beginning to think that the price of gold may have reached its peak. On November 1, the gold price per ounce was hovering around $1,700. This was down from the five week high of $1,752 per ounce, which was seen on Friday.

The price of an ounce of gold is expected to continue to struggle to stay above the $1,700 per ounce benchmark. There are a wide variety of factors that could force the price of gold to actually decline. One of the most significant reasons is that stock markets across the globe have actually seen a dramatic increased over the past few weeks. With an improved confidence in stocks, gold investors will likely look to sell off some of their gold to reallocate their investments, this when push down the current gold price.

Another factor which could prevent gold from increasing in value is the strength of the US dollar. As the US dollar continues to increase, especially when compared to international currencies, US investors are more likely to hold their investments in cash as opposed to investing it in gold.

Gold is not the only precious metal to struggle recently. Prices for silver and platinum are both also down compared to their five-week high. The prices of all precious metals will likely continue to slump if the economy continues to head in the same direction.

Related Articles:
Trading Gold in a Bull Market
Despite Fed’s Disapproval, MetLife Posts Third Quarter Gains.
AIG to Reveal its Latest Earnings
MetLife Provides $350 Million Loan

Jangkaan Tahun 2012: Harga Emas Akan Mencecah USD 2500 per oz

rujukan: Pendeta Emas

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Today: Emas Semakin Naik

Harga Emas RM208/pergram 999.9
rujuk sini utk lebih detail...

Di tengah perang mata wang muncul idea untuk menjadikan emas semula sebagai sandaran mata wang. Di tengah kepanikan dunia atas 'perang mata wang' dan kian rapuhnya sistem riba, perbankan dan wang kertas, Presiden Bank Dunia, Robert Zoellick, akhirnya bicara secara jujur tentang emas. Dia pun bahkan mencadangkan kepada negara-negara G-20 agar kembali menggunakan emas sebagai sandaran nilai-nilai mata wang dunia.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Rizab Emas Malaysia Parah...!!!!!!

Bagaimana kedudukan rizab emas negara kita pada Oktober 2011? Bolivia tambah 7 tan daripada 35.5 tan kepada 42.3 tan meningkatkan kedudukannya dari tempat ke 49 ke tangga 44 mengatasi Malaysia (turun 1 tangga dari tangga 48 ke 49. Thailand menokok 9.4 tan menjadi 136.9 tan daripada 127.5 tan.......!!!!!!

Lihat Kedudukan Malaysia 
Berbanding Dengan Negara Lain..

Di tengah perang mata wang muncul idea untuk menjadikan emas semula sebagai sandaran mata wang. Di tengah kepanikan dunia atas 'perang mata wang' dan kian rapuhnya sistem riba, perbankan dan wang kertas, Presiden Bank Dunia, Robert Zoellick, akhirnya bicara secara jujur tentang emas. Dia pun bahkan mencadangkan kepada negara-negara G-20 agar kembali menggunakan emas sebagai sandaran nilai-nilai mata wang dunia.

                                                              -ruj : Pendita Emas

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Emas murah lagi....

mula dari skrg....!!!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Gold Is Money

   Global Currency
All of today currencies are fiat currencies. Fiat currency is defines as not represent anything tangible but are only worth something due to government decree (namely legal tender laws). In the book "Principles of Economics" written by N. Gregory mention that Fiat money, such as paper dollars, is money without intrinsic value: It would be worthless if it were not used as money."
"We have gold because we cannot trust Governments."
-          President Herbert Hoover

On the other hand, gold are the currency which not created and controlled by governments. Gold was once the main currency in most of Europe, Asia and Americans for the past few thousand years which up to 1971. Gold which evolved independently as money in the word's main civilization due to the following reasons:
1.  Rare
The amount of mined gold has increased only slowly, rarely more than 2% per year. 
2. Durability
Gold won't rot, break, crumble, decay, corrode or tarnish. Gold is unaffected by air, water, and even most acids.
3.  Compact
If all the gold ever mined were made into a single cube. Its edge would be 20 meters. Not quite enough to cover a single tennis court. (
4.  Divisibility
Easily reshape it, flatten it, and divide it into tiny pieces.

"The modern mind dislikes gold because it blurts out unpleasant truths."
-          Joseph Schumpeter (1883 - 1950)

Friday, October 28, 2011

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Rebut Peluang Skrg!!!!!!

Kata-kata hikmah



Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Top 10 Reasons to Invest in Physical Gold

1) No other investment has the wealth preserving power of gold!

2) Gold should be part of every optimally diversified portfolio.

3) Physical (allocated) gold is the most secure way to invest in gold.

4) The current U.S. debt and trade crisis will continue to push gold prices up.

5) A tangible and liquid asset, gold is the only truly international currency.

6) Gold maintains its value through political and social upheavals, wars, and natural disasters.

7) Unlike paper currency, stocks and bonds, gold will never loses its intrinsic value.

8) Gold is an inflation-proof investment.

9) Gold will always be in demand, and demand is increasing.

10) Gold has always been, and will always be, the most legendary precious metal in the world.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Gold Tsunami Wave Cycle 2011

The Gold (and Silver) bull continues to closely follow the giant wave formation of a tsunami.  The recent more parabolic rise in Gold up to above $1,900 is analogous to the little ridge of water we first saw way out in the distance, and now, much like when the waters recede from the shore early in the tsunami wave formation, Gold is undergoing a correction.

As the “Gold” waters receded, the diehard deflationists have run out onto the bare sea bed to whoop and holler that the sea of Dollar Inflation is ending.  They currently hop about the nearby sea floor waving their arms in victory as they envision a catastrophic deflationary depression that will wreck the financial market back to the Stone Age, and the price of the Precious Metals along with it.  Unfortunately, they fail to understand the wave cycle at work as the waters are sucked away from the shore only to strengthen the Gold tsunami wave that grows in the distance For the great Gold tsunami wave is being bolstered as the economy deteriorates, thereby necessitating a continued parabolic growth of printing of paper currencies worldwide.  Where the first little parabolic rise in Gold merely caught the attention of the public, the growing strength of that wave as it reaches shore will leave everyone running for the hills of Gold and Silver.

The Fed Shows Inflation When They Want To and Deflation When They Want To

Last week, the Fed met for a special two-day meeting that ended with a dull thud as they announced “The Twist” that sounds a bit like a dance from the 60s.  They also stated that the economy was weakening - economic weakness that has motivated them to aggressively inflate the US Dollar for 10 years, now.  Yet, market expectations were for the Fed to announce another round of Dollar Inflation via QE3 at the special 2 day meeting so the markets sold off in response to the failure of the Fed’s announcement. 

What occurred in the Precious Metals markets seems a bit absurd as Gold and Silver were pounded aggressively lower in price though the Fed often leads rounds of Dollar Inflation with suggestive hints of deflationary pressures.  To some extent it defines the need for their move, and it probably intends to show that they are in control of something that they cannot control.  The massive deflationary backdrop of debt demands that they either “inflate or die.” 

Commentators noted that the exaggerated fall in Gold, Silver, and in the PM stocks resulted from margin calls “where investors sell what they have to sell.”  Yet, the extent of the weekly fall in the DJIA was rather small compared to the 2 week fall back in early August - a time when Gold, Silver, and the PM Stocks moved higher.  A more likely cause for the fall in the PM sector lies in the Fed’s failure to announce QE3 as it pointed to economic weakness, combined with this coming Tuesday’s Gold and Silver options expiration date - a monthly bashing that generally sees Gold and Silver whacked to lower levels.  Further downside pressure on the PM sector probably stems from big trading firms reversing their “long Gold/ short PM stock ratio trade.”  The large swings in the Gold price over the last 30 days provided the volume they needed to sell paper gold, and to cover and accumulate the Gold and Silver shares.  Given the timing one has to wonder whether these large traders are the same firms who trade for the Market Stabilization Fund, and if they knew in advance that the Fed would tip its comments to deflation this week.


Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Jangkaan Harga Emas Makin Pulih "price ranging"

Beli emas skrg!!! Harga cantik.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Waktu sesuai utk tambah stok...

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Harga Emas Jatuh......

jangan risau jika anda sudah memiliki emas pada harga yang tinggi 
mungkin dalam masa beberapa bulan lagi.....dia akan naik lagi....mungkin esok atau lusa,,,apa2 boleh berlaku

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Krisis Eropah, Harga Emas Jatuh

Saham-saham di bursa saham eropah jatuh pada dagangan hari ini dengan penurunan  tertinggi berlaku di Paris sebanyak 4%. Penurunan ini terjadi akibat tekanan krisis dan risiko hutang yang semakin besar di Eropah
Harga surat hutang yang diterbitkan oleh Greece dan Itali hari ini jatuh menjunam mengakibatkan nilai bunga pinjaman meningkat tinggi.
Nilai tukaran matawang euro hari ini ditutup lebih rendah berbanding dollar (usd) menyebabkan pelabur mengalihkan pelaburan mereka keluar eropah ekoran sentimen risiko hutang tersebut. Sementara itu, harga emas yang naik melebihi $1900 per.ounce USD semalam mulai pada awal hari ini.
Gabernor Bank Pusat Eropah, Jean-Claude Trichet mengingatkan keperluan bijaksana bank pusat Greece bagi usaha penyelamatan kedua menangani krisis hutang negara tersebut. Sementara itu, Pengarah IMF, Christine Lagarde, meminta bank bank utama eropah pmenyedian modal  besar untuk terus bertahan dalam krisis hutang yang kini melanda kuasa utama Eropah.
Pada awal dagangan hari ini, bursa Paris jatuh 4%, London jatuh 2.45%, Franfurt jatuh 3.85% manakala bursa Madrid jatuh 3.63% dan Milan turun 3.67%
Bursa asia juga turut mengalami nasib yang sama dipimpin oleh kejatuhan Bursa Saham Tokyo 1.68%.
Sebelum ini, Kerajaan Amerika Syarikat  menuntut gantirugi bernilai USD 200 bilion daripada institusi perbankan ekoran  krisis suprime yang melanda negara tersebut tahun 2008 lalu, ini termasuk 1 bilion dari  setiap 17 bank yang mengakibatkan krisis besar hutang tahun lalu.
Tuntutan tersebut mengakibat Bank bank utama yang berpangkalan di eropah berada.pada.zon merah dalam dagangan hari ini.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Harga Emas turun sedikit..

Harga di fgjam turun sedikit jom beli emas skrg!!!!!!!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Harga Terkini Emas Di Pasaran.......RM212 /sgram

sila rujuk sini utk dapat maklumat detail..

anda kaya tapi... jangan abai solat....kaya tapi tak solat......hina di sini Allah walaupun kamu mulia di sisi manusia.....

selamat membeli emas.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Kenaikan Harga Emas Sekarang!!!

Clik ni utk baca dgn detail artikel asal :

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Kenaikan emas 2009, 2010 dan 2011

Ya Allah tidak ada sesiapa yang boleh memberi rezki
 jika Engkau halang....
dan tidak ada sesiapa yang boleh halang...
jika Engkau ingin memberi rezki....

Yakin Allah Maha Kuasa

semoga anda menjadi pelabur yang baik, soleh dan jujur.....
dan tidak tamak dengan dunia....
mudahan2 dgn kekayaan yg anda miliki akan dapat membantu
org lain...amin.
sebar2kan mudahan menjadi amal soleh

nak beli emas call me now

-rujukan dari pokli

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Sedutan dari Kisah Qarun: Pakar Mengurus Emas Yang Takabbur

apa khabar semua....maaf sbb lama dah tak buat posting....smg apa yg saya tuliskan ini menjadi munafaat utk kita semua...Saja nak kongsi kisah Qarun yang hebat dalam mengurus pernigaan. Insya Allah selepas ini saya akan kongsikan dgn anda kisah Abdul Rahman bin Auf seorang sahabat Rasulullah yang hartawan serta beriman. :)

Qarun sangat bangga dengan keahliannya mencari rezki malah dia menganggap semua kekayaan yang diperolehnya karana kepakarannya dalam mengurus pernigaan emas dan menganggap ianya bukan anugerah Allah Ta’ala. Lalu Allah rakamkan kisah ini dalam Quran dengan Firmannya yang berbunyi: 

Qaarun menjawab (dengan sombongnya): "Aku diberikan harta kekayaan ini hanyalah disebabkan pengetahuan dan kepandaian yang ada padaku". (Kalaulah Qaarun bijak pandai memahami, bahawa Allah telah membinasakan sebelumnya, dari umat-umat yang telah lalu, orang-orang yang lebih kuat daripadanya dan lebih banyak mengumpulkan harta kekayaan? Dan (ingatlah) orang-orang yang berdosa (apabila mereka diseksa) tidak lagi ditanya tentang dosa-dosa mereka, (kerana Allah sedia mengetahuinya).. (Al Qasas: 78)

Qarun mempunyai keinginan yang tidak terbatas, dapat satu ingin dua, dapat dua ingin tiga, dan seterusnya. Dengan kata lain dia tidak pernah puas dengan apa yang dimilikinya. Segala cara dilakukan untuk memperolehi yang diinginkannya, tak peduli halal haram, baik atau buruk. Allah menggambarkan bahwa mengikuti hawa nafsu dalam harta duniawi tak akan ada habisnya....

Lalu Allah jelaskan lagi dalam firmannya
Bermegah-megahan telah melalaikan kamu, sampai kamu masuk ke liang kubur. Janganlah begitu, kelak kamu akan mengetahui akibat perbuatanmu itu, -At takatsur: 1-3

sekian semoga menjadi munafaat utk kita semua dalam mencari rezki yang halal.....sama2 kita berbisnes dgn cara yg jujur dan beretika

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Menarik Today: Lelongan Awam 50g dan 20g

sila hubungi saya stok ready murah dari harga di PG
siapa cepat dia dapat....
019-3557072 Syeikh
019-7150884 Master Shah